On this page

    All about GeM Portal Registration

    In previous article we had know the all pre-requisite for GeM Registration. Now we are going to create a GeM Seller Account.

    GeM Portal Registration

    Basically there are two ways to get registered yourself as a GeM Seller or GeM service provider. these are:

    Registration using Aadhaar

    In this process you must have your phone number linked with your Aadhaar.

    1. Go to the official website of GeM (Government e-Marketplace)
    2. In the top right corner (as now), find the "Sign up" dropdown. Click on the seller link or just click this link to directly go the Seller Registration page
    3. Before moving forward you must read the GeM Term and Conditions (42 Pages)
    4. Click on the "REVIEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS" Button and accept their Terms and Conditions.
    5. Now the registration form will be open as
    GeM Registration Form
    1. Select you Business / Organization Type i.e: Proprietorship, Firm, Company etc.
    2. Enter your Business name
    3. Click on the "NEXT" Button

    Second Tab will be open with the name "Personal Verification".

    1. Now in the field of "Authenticate yourself using", select Aadhaar
    2. Eneter you Aadhaar Number / Virtual ID and the Mobile number linked with the Aadhaar. After entering both tick on the consent and then "VERIFY AADHAAR"

    Enter the OTP (came on the mobile number you entered) and click on "VERIFY".

    1. Enter your name and check the box to confirm that you are the Key Person of the Organization and click on "Next" Button
    2. Enter your Email Id and click on "SEND OTP" to get the OTP on your mail for Email Verification
    3. Enter the OTP and click on "VERIFY OTP" and then "NEXT"
    4. Create your User Id and Password. Click on "CREATE ACCOUNT"
    5. Now a message will popup on the header, saying "Seller Account created successfully".
    GeM Registration successfully

    Congratulation you have created your GeM Seller account using Aadhaar.

    Registration using PAN

    Now we are going to create an GeM Seller account using PAN.

    Follow step 1-8

    1. Select "Personal PAN" in "Authenticate yourself using"
    2. Enter your PAN details
    3. Once you enter PAN details, the "VERIFY PAN" button will be activated. Click that button to proceed
    4. Enter your mobile number and verify the same with an OTP sent to your number
    5. Once the mobile number us verified, then thick the box to confirm you are the Key Person of the Organization and click on "NEXT" button
    6. Enter Email Id and click on "SEND OTP" and verify your Email Id
    7. Create your User Id and Password and click on "CREATE ACCOUNT"

    Congratulation you have successfully created your GeM Seller account using PAN.

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